Token Flag: Green for Go, Red for Stop!

Rocky Doge
2 min readJun 19, 2021
Green means Go, Red means Stop!

One of the most prominent features in the Rocky Doge system is the Token Flag system. The Token Flag system takes into account the code, the contract, ownership, transfer functions, transaction tax and liquidity as well as the reputation of the team and contract deployer to score the token. based upon this score and community votes, the tokens are either given a Green Flag for being trustworthy or a Red Flag for being untrustworthy.

This makes it easier for someone to immediately spot scams. Helping the community stay away from scams and rebuilding the trust for valid legitimate tokens.

Even then our advise is not to take the Green Flag tokens as they are perfect. Still do your own research. Use Rocky Doge as just another tool to make your research easier because even though we try to be as perfect as we can be, even we can make mistakes.

At the end of the it’s your money. Be diligent about it, do as much research as you can before investing and only invest what you can.

Rocky Doge is here to help you, guide you and save you from the scams. Use it wisely and you will become a winner.

Rocky Doge — The People’s Crypto Currency Investigator.



Rocky Doge

The crypto token for the Winners. The Diamond hands. Don’t fall for Scams. Contract will be published at launch 💛💰